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A No B.S. Mastermind for Fiercely Determined Entrepreneurs Who Want to Scale Their Business to 7 Figures & Beyond

The Warrior Tribe is a revolutionary mastermind for ambitious 5, 6, and 7-figure entrepreneurs…

Who are ready to step up to the plate and implement results-driven advice so they can get ahead in business and in life.

With weekly group coaching sessions and discussions, expert business advice, and a tight-knit community that wants to see you succeed – this mastermind will give you access to the key strategies, guidance, and support you need to scale to new heights.
If you’re ready to learn the skills you need to become a commanding leader and dominate your life – this is where you belong.
warrior tribe having fun in the snow

A Mastermind For Warriors

I’m going to level with you – the success you want doesn’t come easy…

Juggling the demands of your new (or growing) business while striving for personal development, stretched thin across multiple domains…

Feeling isolated when everyone around you seems to be going through the motions of a 9-to-5 job, following society’s outdated script of what life “should” be…

Facing your demons and the triggers that –inevitably– come up when you navigate the murky waters of entrepreneurship as a young visionary…

And crumbling down every time that milestone you worked so hard to achieve opens the floodgates to a trillion new problems to solve. (New level, new devil, right?)

I know what it’s like because I’ve been there.

I’ve built businesses from scratch to 8 figures with no role models or experts to follow, just because I had a vision…

I’ve been questioned for being ‘different’ and breaking away from societal expectations more times than I can count…

And that is something I’m proud of.

Because there is NOTHING better than knowing that you’re in control of your own life and you’re in charge of your own success.

That’s what the Warrior Mindset is all about.

But if that’s what you want, there’s a hard truth you need to know:

The advice and strategies that will get you to that point are probably NOT what you want to hear.

The work you’ll have to do will sting…

You’ll have to learn the lessons you’ve been avoiding your whole life…

And you WILL face resistance when learning them…

But the rewards you will reap will change your life and transform your ambition into tangible success.

If you’re looking for an easy way out, this isn’t it…

But if you’re here for real, lasting change, to grow as your business grows, and to become the warrior that your vision requires you to be…

This mastermind is how you’ll get there.

Last year we were shy of $1M in revenue, first 3 months this year we already cleared $300k. We implemented everything they teach and it’s been awesome.
nick profile picture for review

What You Get Inside
The Warrior Tribe


With over 15 years of business experience, Chris Warnes pulls back the curtain on the strategies that have helped him scale every enterprise he’s started to 8 figures. From high-level networking and how to build fruitful business relationships that can tenfold your revenue, to the often overlooked leadership skills that will land you the A+ team you need, to the systems and processes that will streamline your organization and save you tons of money as you scale… There’s no gatekeeping of success, no recycled fluff, only actionable steps that you can implement and on-the-spot coaching to adjust your strategies as you grow.


Ever feel like you don’t fit in? In a world dominated by the average, striving for excellence will make you stand out, and that can get isolating. If you know you’re meant for more than what society tells you, welcome to the warrior tribe… A place to find other warriors who support your vision and truly care about your success–both business and personal. This mastermind is the place to build meaningful connections, challenge each other to grow further, keep one another accountable, and level up together in a judgment-free, BS-free environment.


If there’s one thing I can guarantee as a seasoned multi-business owner, it’s that you will encounter problems along the way. How you deal with those problems can make or break your success and your potential for growth. With lessons on outside-the-box solutions, taking radical ownership of your actions, and real-life examples, this mastermind will transform you into a strategic problem-solver equipped with the tools to scale beyond 7 and even 8 figures.


In 15 years, I’ve built 6 businesses from scratch to 8 figures. Ranging from fitness to full-service gym, to real estate, to even luxury watch trading, I’ve achieved everything I’ve set my mind to.

But I didn’t have an easy start…

12 years ago, I had no money. But I had a vision of what I wanted my life to be, and that was far from what society was telling me I should settle for. I didn’t want the job and the house with the picket fence. I wanted more. I wanted fulfillment.

So when I got out of the military, I double majored in community college, working as a personal trainer on weekdays and in nightclub security on weekends.

I was living in a 500-square-foot apartment that would get flooded on rainy days, driving to train my clients on an empty tank that I’d then refill with the little money I earned.

It wasn’t easy, but I had a solid vision. And I was determined to make it happen.

Fast forward to today: A team of 15 people, I’ve become a well-known figure in multiple industries, and I’m leading entrepreneurs to financial and personal success inside this Mastermind.

So… How did I get here?

Well, after deploying with the military not once but twice, and coming close to death several times, and receiving the Purple Heart I developed what I call the Warrior Mindset.

That mindset allowed me to be unapologetic about the future I wanted. It gave me the work ethic I needed to push through at difficult times and it kept me from giving up when I made costly mistakes.

I believe everyone should have a Warrior Mindset. Not because it’s the only way to succeed in business…

But because it’s a surefire way to own your life, dream bigger, and achieve your true purpose.

Hear From Our Warriors

“Something that I really look forward to every Monday”

"Being in this group has changed my life!!"

""The archives have helped to educate myself"

"I have become more confident of who I am."

"With Running the play I was able to scale my business to the 7-figure mark "

"The amount of value in this mastermind cannot be overstated. Chris brings the FIRE!"

"It's influenced the change in my life; I have put it into action, and I am dialed in."

"Follow the steps & you are only going to
succeed from there"

The question I get asked the most…

“What advice would you give your younger self?”

If I go back 15 years and find the version of CW who was just getting started in business, the ONE piece of advice I’d give him is:

Drop your ego, find the people who have done what you want to do, and learn from them.

15 years ago, I didn’t even know what a mastermind was. I was working multiple jobs, studying in college, and trying to make sense of my time in the military.

The people around me were nothing like me…

My goals looked disproportionately big in comparison.

For a long time, I had to keep myself accountable, challenge myself, celebrate wins on my own, and pick myself up when I made mistakes.

And I made A LOT of mistakes…

Mistakes that are inherent to starting a business without any prior experience–no matter how many fancy degrees you have.

The truth is, your first 10 years in business, you don’t really know what you’re doing…

All you really know is how to do things wrong.

At the time, I thought learning by trying was a good idea. In hindsight, I wish I’d found a good mentor and joined a mastermind.

Because in a mastermind, you’re challenged to achieve more in less time, you’re led by experts who know how to get where you want to go, and you get support from peers who believe in you.

You literally cut the learning curve, sometimes dramatically.

And that’s the purpose of the Warrior Tribe.

group selfie with chris warnes

We are a tight-knit community, a rare breed of entrepreneurs who want to learn AND give back.

We won’t sugar-coat the challenging realities of entrepreneurship, but we’ll give you all the shortcuts.
We’ll call you out when you’re getting in your own way, but we will never ever judge you for the size of your goals.
We will be here every week to support you, inspire you, lead you, and learn from you, no matter what stage you are in business.
We aren’t just another mastermind…
We’re a tribe.
Are you ready to join us?

The Warrior Tribe is for you if…


The Warrior Tribe is NOT for you if…

What Our Warriors Say About This Mastermind…

The real value of this mastermind is over $5000

Every year, entrepreneurs spend millions of dollars to get the actionable insights you can find inside the Warrior Tribe.

They want 7-figure results so they hire a 7-figure coach, because they know that only someone who has achieved what they want can help them move through what’s stopping them from getting there.

But a mastermind gives you the chance to access the same type of knowledge AND the support of a community that has your back and your best interest at heart.

Our students have achieved things like:

mastermind group picture with chris warnes

Most masterminds out there charge 5- or 6-figure prices for results like these…

Often with only one yearly event or a call every once in a while.

And if I priced this by my hourly consulting rate, the price tag would be upwards of $5,000.

But I’m not a full-time coach – I didn’t start the Warrior Tribe to add revenue to my bottom line.

I created this mastermind because I believe this world needs more highly motivated entrepreneurs like you. And helping you achieve your goals is how you’ll stay highly motivated.

The expertise, advice, and support you’ll get here far exceed what you’ll pay for them…

So I’m going to ask for one thing in return:

That you commit to showing up, doing the work, and helping others. In other words, that you embody the Warrior Mindset through and through.

Do we have a deal?

Become a WARRIOR


Pay for the year in advance and save $1,627.89




Pay only $147.99 every 30 days. Cancel anytime.



I’m not an entrepreneur yet, but I'm thinking about becoming one. Is this mastermind for me?
Yes, it is. We have a lot of new entrepreneurs. Joining can help you start off on the right foot and avoid many of the pitfalls we all go through when we first start out.
Absolutely. All the things that go into becoming more efficient, successful, and eventually making more money, stem from personal development. We believe you can’t scale in business without working on yourself.
The live calls happen every Monday night at 6:00 PM EST and they run for 45 minutes.
We don’t ask for a minimum time commitment, however, we recommend staying for at least 3 months to see tangible results.
We can’t guarantee results because your results depend on you. Are you willing to take action, even if you’re tired or busy? Are you willing to implement the advice you’re given, even if it’s hard? If you’re willing to commit to your own success, the tools and lessons you’ll learn inside this mastermind WILL get you to your goals.
No. We don’t use contracts or provide refunds because our success stories speak for themselves. If you join and you don’t find value in this mastermind, you are welcome to leave at any time.

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